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The Journal of Safety Research and Applications (JOSRA) is an online peer-reviewed journal for research, development and applications in occupational safety and health (OSH) and related fields in the Czech Republic.

It serves as a tool for the transfer of expertise, knowledge and information as well as for communication between experts in the Czech Republic and abroad. The journal provides an easier and faster exchange of information and knowledge in the form of research articles of experts from institutions such as research institutions, universities, institutes of Czech Academy of Sciences and other experts.

ISSN 1803-3687

Editorial Board


Publication ethics

The main goals of the journal are

  • to provide information on what is happening in research and development in the field of occupational safety and health and other cross-cutting disciplines,
  • to motivate and encourage professionals to publish,
  • to give people the opportunity and space to write about what they are doing and what they have achieved in research and development projects,
  • to facilitate communication of knowledge and information among professionals,
  • to contribute to the awareness of new trends and opportunities,
  • to promote the interest of companies and industry in research results and to help them solve practical problems,
  • to allow the introduction of innovative approaches and methods into practice,
  • through a targeted risk management campaign to help reduce occupational accident rates, financial losses and damage to the environment,
  • to present the outputs of the research and development projects, analytical and legislative activities of individual institutions to the public.

Thematic coverage

  • occupational health and safety (OHS), OHS management systems, OHS culture,

  • working environment and conditions,

  • risk prevention and protective equipment,

  • health protection, occupational hygiene and occupational medicine,

  • ergonomics and human factors,

  • safety engineering (industrial accident prevention) and environmental risks,

  • occupational psychology,

  • sociology and socio-economics,

  • education,

  • information resources and systems in OSH,

  • new technologies and their application in OSH and risk prevention,

  • technical safety,

  • standardisation and legislation.

The journal is divided into a peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed section. The research articles in the peer-reviewed section go through a review process where each article is reviewed by two independent experts on the thematic area of the article. In the second section, general information about research projects, reports from working trips, information from national and international conferences, best practices etc. are published.

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